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研究生喻婷婷在《Journal of Biological Dynamics》杂志上发表研究成果

发布人:   发布时间:2019-09-20

  In this paper, a pest management predator–prey model with weak Allee effect on predator and state feedback impulsive control on prey is introduced and analysed, where the yield of predator released and intensity of pesticide sprayed are assumed to be linearly dependent on the selected pest control level. For the proposed model, the existence and stability of the order-1 periodic orbit of the control system are discussed. Meanwhile, with the aim of minimizing the input cost in practice, an optimization model is constructed to determine the optimal quantity of the predator released and the intensity of pesticide sprayed. The theoretical results and numerical simulations indicated that the number of pests can be limited to below an economic threshold and displays periodic variation under the proposed control strategy. In addition, it indicated in numerical simulations that an order-2 periodic orbit exists for some certain parameters.

  ( Tingting Yu, Yuan Tian, Hongjian Guo & Xinyu Song ,  Dynamical analysis of an integrated pest management predatorprey model with weak Allee effect,  Journal of Biological Dynamics, 13(1), 218–244, 2019)